Early this year, I sent an image designed on an envelope to the folks at mail me art.
Mail me art was about designing/ decorating/doodling on to any form of packaging material and then posting it to the folks in charge of mail me art, then they would select the subs that would be featured in a compilation book of the same name and shortly after, an exhibition of the artworks. I was really interested in this when i heard about it. initially, it was not what was going on the envelope but what types materials would survive going through the postal service.
I guess that is why I decided to cut out a design in lino and also mix it up with a graphics pen for my submission. I think that they got well over 600 submissions which had to be dwindled down into a selection for the book, I got word that my sub was going to be featured in the book but hadn't anything since, until now.
The book (pictured above) is available for pre-orders at amazon. (
here. this is the uk amazon store, i think it might be on the us one as well) the book will be released in march 2009 and the exhibition will be at the Red Gate Gallery in London from the 3rd of April to the 9th of April where all pieces of artwork are going to be up for sale.
The book includes posted submissions from Jon Burgerman, Catalina Estrada, Dan May, Jeff Miracola, Michael Slack, Kristian Olson, and many more.