I Thought I'd better post something just to say that i'm still alive and that image making is still my game, for now anyway.
As with most of my work, this piece started off as going to be something completely different. Initially this was going to be a multi-coloured lightening bolt being held by a hand with some clouds at the base. but as always I just go nuts with my instincts and create things on the fly (which is something i do a lot, i guess i'm hooked on instant 'on the fly' decision making!) and came up with this above and below, an image that flips with the rain cloud and the sun acting as flowers in these chaps lapels. And thats not all, take a closer look and see the texture within that flash and all the other elements.
I need new postcards and this was the sole reason that this image came to be. Postcards to tell the illustration universe that i still exist so it looks like i'll be ordering them this week. along with other goodies/bribes for those art directors (if you want some of this gear once its in mineral form just email me and i'll send them over.)
Other things that i'm planning to make are desktop icons for both windows and mac and once i've figured it out, a screensaver (yes way make a wallpaper when you can make something that moves and at the same time make it ten times more harder for yourself!).